Friday, May 28, 2010

Irregular cycles....& enviornmental factors

Irregular cycles....& enviornmental factors?
Please help. I have been having irregular cycles on and off for 7 years now. My gyno said I was not ovulating & it was no big deal. However, during this time I have lived abroad in Spain and Italy for 6 months at a time each. During both of these stays my cycle was completely regular (like clockwork). Could this be due to the enviornment? I was stress-free, eating mostly organic foods etc... What effect can this lifestyle have on my ovulating? Also, does anyone know if women in these countries are infertile at the same rates as women in the USA??? Please *star* especially if you have a nurse or doctor in your contacts I will be asking this in women's health and the trying to conceive sections Yes, I am over 18 ...thank you.
Women's Health - 2 Answers
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1 :
Stress def. causes irregular periods. The foods you eat can cause problems as well. I'm in Europe right now and everything they eat here is fresh not like back home. (US) Everything there has all sorts of additives that can cause differences in the body.
2 :
While stress can affect your period, most "life-styles" don't interrupt your period with exception of high physical stress, such as working out steady and building muscle mass. Dieting can throw your periods off severe wt gain or loss of course. But travel usually doesn't do anything unless your under a lot of stress with the travel. What concerns me is that your doctor doesn't think it's a big deal that your not ovulating. Now you did not state your age so, this answer is providing your 18 yrs or older (when your body should be already regulated) if your younger then it really is no big deal, your body should work itself around. If your 18 or older, you may want to be checked for PCOS its the most common reason why many woman don't ovulate or have irregular periods. However, starting birth control will help regulate you and your doctor SHOULD BE COMPETENT ENOUGH to start running a few blood test to make sure nothing else is going on. If your doctor will not listen too you then maybe it's time for a change of doctors.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

The elderly in care

The elderly in care?
In the UK many people who are elderly and possibly to old or ill to look after themselves go in many cases to care homes or nursing homes. Yet here in Spain it is the duty of the family to look after and care for their elderly loved ones. If the UK adopted the Spanish system would it just be looked on as government cuts, or should families bear that responsibility.
Senior Citizens - 12 Answers
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1 :
It is dictated culturally..asian culture revere the america not so is also based on the family system..the availability and willingness of members to care for their loved one
2 :
We, in Australia, have a similar system to the UK, many people go to care homes. There is a lot of 'retirement villages' being put up here with resort type facilities. The elders buy a smaller home in the development and get activities etc.They are not cheap. If you look after your elders at home there are some government subsidies. If the elder needs constant care you can even get a pension to support yourself doing this if you are not rich. Parents often get from their children what they put in. If the parents were caring and giving usually the children are and don't want their parents to bve anywhere else but with them.
3 :
I didn't know that fact about Spain. I think that is wonderful and other countries do that as part of their life. Being put in a care home or nursing home, is like passing the buck. Everyone, and I mean everyone, gets old. So treat the elderly like you will want to be treated when you are elderly.
4 :
You too will get old. If and when you are in that situation already, you will discover that it is best if it is your family which is looking after you.
5 :
Ya..its very sad..Govt can take over this announcing that who miss care the elders should be punish..
6 :
My mum lives in a residential care home and is very happy and well cared for. I would love to be able to have her live with me but as I am not rich and have to work I would not be able to give her the care she needs.
7 :
A lot of families cant afford to do that. They both work and no one would be there to provide the care anyway. Wish it could be that way.
8 :
you pose a very interesting question and i will give you a star === when i was growing up in the usa i would have to say that 20% of my friends had some elder person sharing there homes -- i can still hear my best friends mother yelling at us "keep the noise down -- mother is trying to sleep -- sure enough there was this old thin lady who was always sleeping in the living room -- of course that was a time when no one's mother worked outside the home === yes if for some reason the govt cut back the funds for care centers -- which will never happen -- the folks here would revolt -- i know folks who can not wait until there parnets reach a certain age so they can stick them in the nearest care center!!!
9 :
I agree with happylad. Good parents hopefull are rewarded by good children and are tended to the best of the childs ability. Do to dementia, other health problems and working and finances seniors will be placed in homes. Some seniors would breakup good marriages, abuse the children attempting to help them. There are good and bad people of all ages.
10 :
Right now it's hard to know the answer. I was raised to wait till I was older to have I did....right at the same time I'm trying to raise kids, they need us. (mother-n-law) Kids screaming drives grandmas blood pressure up......she thinks the kids need a good belt whipping and isn't afraid to do it while I've got the kids telling me they're gonna call 911 because I told them no about something or the school calling because the kids told them grandma said she was going to kill herself if they didn't shut up.. Not to mention being expected to work full time and a husband who preferes to stay gone as much as possible because he can't deal with his mom, the kids and all the pressure either. All this in a 3 bedroom, 1 bath, small house. I couldn't leave the kids alone with her...she couldn't be left alone....we simply couldn't afford to pay for all the care or survive if I wasn't working either. She wanted us gone so she could stay just with her son and sadly that's exactly what happened. I mean maybe it is a fault of our society or people getting together in marraige and having families when many can't handle a 1 day holiday in the same room as each other......but sometimes it is better there is another option because there are times in which it isn't good for either. My parents at different times took care of their parents.....but we were older as children and understood better than little kids. My grandparents respected the family and didn't interefere with my parents rules or try and come between them. Their problem came with medical conditions in which they simply didn't have the means or the knowledge to care for them and things weren't available for home use as they are now and there wasn't information available to learn about it. Yet you could be sued by other family members who are eager to tell you what you "should" do but aren't willing to help with it. People are living thousands of miles away from each other in order to work or whatever. Lets see.....tell grandma she's moving across the country and she doesn't want to....or give up your jobs, sell your home, tear your kids from their school to go live in grandmas 2 room bungalo in a jobless area? Kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. We have gotten so PC and so determined that no-one be offended yet everyone telling you what you should do and 100's getting a piece of you no matter what you's not that easy anymore......even when you want to do right and be responsible. We used to in many cases have farms and homes that were passed down generation to generation. You married your highschool sweetheart and had kids and stayed in the area and it when the time came you cared for them, inherited the home and on again it went. Moms were able to stay home and handle that while Dad worked and made enough to live on. What went on in your home stayed in your home. Now you're sent off to find work or an education to get a decent job where you meet someone from another part of the country or world....get the careers going, have children later, both still have to work, the government is peering through your windows at every level with unrealistic expectations and everything is a mess. Kids have seen grandma twice in their life.....husband or wife has met the in-laws at the wedding and a handful of times between and it doesn't make it easy to drop your life to care for them while you're trying to survive and keep things going. This society doesn't make it easy to do that. Anyone that has lost a parent knows it takes more than 3 days to handle a funeral and such......yet like me....I ended up loosing a job because real life events couldn't be wrapped up in company policy time. Business doesn't care if mom's not dying on schedual......they have a business to run and there's plenty others out there who need a job where they don't have this concern. Not many can afford to look for a job when their 55 in order to be with Dad. It's a sad situation and not one with an easy answer. Obviously this way doesn't work. It destroys the family in all aspects. From being able to raise your children to caring for elderly to simply keeping a marraige together. Got a long way to go..........
11 :
I agree with Mr ED after me seeing it first hand as a paramedic.I have taken elderly relatives home to their families after a hospital stay, only on arrival at their home to see the relatives sneaking out of the back door so they appear not to be home and the patient had to be taken back to hospital,Sorry to say but in the UK it seems to be an increasing problem. As for myself I would not care to be in one of these care homes as I have seen to much abuse in these places. Of course if the gov gave the relatives the same amount of money to help in care of the elderly that they pay the nursing homes that may go some way to solving this problem. In closing on the positive side there are a lot of homes that have dedicated well trained staff and are well run.PAX.
12 :
Families not governments should care for their elderly; no matter which country you live in!

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Nurse wants to move to Europe

Nurse wants to move to Europe?
I was wondering if there was a high demand for nurses in European countries such as there is in America. I was thinking more specifically in Spain. I am currently attending Nursing school and plan on finishing with my BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing). I am fluent in Spanish and English and would like to have the opportunity to move abroad. What would it take, How much, Visas, finding out about nursing employment, etc. I know it is extremely difficult getting accepted into other countries so I am hoping the fact that I am a skilled worker will help. If you have any experience doing so please tell me how it went for you or anyone else with general information that will be of use to me.
Immigration - 1 Answers
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1 :
Of course there is, private! It's the nursing diploma course, bulked up with other courses in the sciences, humanities and arts, to make up a science degree. Work permits in Spain must be applied for at the Foreigners' Office (Oficinas de Extranjeros) or to the provincial office of the Ministry of Labour (Delegación Provincial del Ministerio de Trabajo), if you are already in Spain. If you are not in Spain, a work permit must be applied for at the Consular office of your home country.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

I need answers! would you let your 18 year old daughter live and work in spain for 3 months on her own

I need answers! would you let your 18 year old daughter live and work in spain for 3 months on her own?
Were from ireland and spain is about 2 hours away on a plane.well she turns 18 next year so next summer she wants to go over to spain (mallorca) for 3 months to work ina bar or a local shop and rent a place, she loves this place and every year she says shes coming back when shes 18 for a few months for an experience. Do you think its ok to let her go on her own? she won't leave me alone i'll definately go over with her for the first week or 2 to make sure shes settled in and gets a job. shes even started saving for backup money incase she doesn't find a job, she says shes going to try and save up enough money to keep her going over there for 3 months so she doesn't have to get a job. shes also starting a one year college course in september till may so as soon as shes finished that she wants to head over. she says when she comes back after the 3 months she'll finish her college course and carry on studying nursing. what do you think? I just want her to be safe should i say yes and let her carry on saving? Thank you people I think i'll definately let her go, she seems independant enough, its an experience for her and get her obsession with spain over with. and she'll also get to do the things that i never did as i settled down young. Thank you.
Adolescent - 5 Answers
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1 :
In my country 18 is legal, so saying no it's not an option for her. But i ouldn't worry if i knew she's responsible and can handle herself.
2 :
I know you worry for your daughter, its normal... But don't worry, at 18, she should be quite independent and ready to experience adult life. Unless you see she is not a independent person yet (and ask others judgment too!), send her...To be safe, stay with her the first half month, but after that, shes on her own! Dont worry, she will be fine. But make sure she isnt going there for ''someone'' only...
3 :
She'll be an adult, so she can do what she want. She doesn't need your permission, but I dare say your approval would help her feel more confident. It's not like it's a million miles away-it will be easy for you to keep in touch and the like. Plenty of eighteen year olds go off around the world at that age, so Spain is hardly anything to worry about.
4 :
I'm going to point out some stuff to you 1. SHE'S EIGHTEEN!!! I'm eighteen, and it sucks when your moms are all overprotective and stuff, just trust that you've raised her well and send her on her way, she'll be fine!! 2. IT'S TWO HOURS AWAY!!! I thought you were going to be like in AMERICA, in that case, this would take a little more thought (but i'd still suggest you'd let her go *see point #1) It's not like she's going around the world!! 3. CHILL ... it's next year!! you have time! and it's only three months!!!
5 :
yes definately were from england I have an 18 year old daughter she was dying to go over to spain and work so i let her shes 18 and now an adult she also went on her own and i made sure she rang me everyday. I went with her the first week to help her settle in and help her to look for a job. she stayed there on her own for the whole summer, she loved the experience and when she finishes college she wants to see the world. I'm proud of her and i have given my support to her she deserves it. I was worried about her over there sometimes but we have to let her go. At least she wants to do something with her life and not sit at home all day or be one of those teen mothers. Also since she was on her own there was none of her friends with her so no bad influences on her to get drunk or anything like that. she was there to get a job and rent a flat and to experience spanish life. I was glad she wanted to go during the summer season so there were lots of tourists there she made some tourist friends. she loved being there on her own and feeling independent. The days flew in for her as she just mainly worked non stop over there in a bar and restaurant. Many of her 18 year old friends went travelling straight away when they finished school most actually on their own. A lot of 18 year olds do. Don't worry she will be fine shes now an adult and wants to experience things. good luck she will love you for this.

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