Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to learn fluent Spanish to go to school in Madrid

How to learn fluent Spanish to go to school in Madrid?
I want to do Saint Louis University's international nursing program. The first two years of the program are located in Madrid, Spain. I want to go there speaking fluent Spanish. I'm planning on taking four years of high school Spanish, but I don't honestly learn that much. What else can I do?
Languages - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Rosetta Stone is an excellent program to help you learn Spanish. I have used it. It is expensive, but it works. You can also rent movies on DVD and turn on the Spanish language. This helps you attune your ear. There are some free programs on the internet that you translate and receive a critique from native speakers, but it is slow going because you have to wait for a response.
2 :
Honey, you aren't going to be fluent enough to understand what's going on UNTIL YOU ARE LIVING THERE. It will probably take you about a month or two to get up to speed. there are many ways you can augment your classes. Find some Spanish speakers to meet with once a week and exchange language practice. (there should be some in school, there who want to practice with you.) find some penpals, some people online to chat with, people to use msn or skype with. Site to practice with natives.
3 :
good luck with that

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