Deep Vein Thrombosis risk?
I am in Urubumba in Peru and 1 hour away from a hospital. I flew from Madrid last Friday and it was a 14 hour flight I think, I was very very ill on the plane (chest infection kicked in) so could not move and could not get myself water and the staff did not help me at all on the plane. I have a dull pain in my right calf that is a sharp pain if I squeeze it. I´ve had a nurse who I´m staying with check the pulse and it is fine, it is slightly warm but not obioucly hot and the colour is healthy. Could this be deep vein thrombosis and how long should I wait until I get it checked out? I am nearly 20 years old on the marvelon contraceptive pill and a light smoker (However I have not smoked since last Thursday and using this opportunity to quit) I am a healthy weight and height for my age as well.
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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There is no way to telling whether this is a DVT or just calf pain. Taking some motrin regularly may make this go away. If it is a DVT, the symptoms will continue to get worse, despite the use of motrin. And, by taking a birth control pill and smoking, you have dramatically increased your risk of a stroke at a young age. These two things together are deadly. You can also go to and type in "deep vein thrombosis" and read up on this condition for additional warning signs.
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