Saturday, November 14, 2009

outer ear infection

outer ear infection?
i have just got back from a holiday in spain where i did a lot of swimming.. i had servere pain in my ear and the day after i got home my mum took me to the doctors, where i saw a nurse. she diagnosed an outer ear infection. ottis something. and prescribed eardrops she said it would start clearing up after a day. that was on tuesday and it is getting more painful, my mum is telling me to be patient. my ear canal is swollen so i got told to take ibruprofen, but i can only take them with food, which i havent been eating because when i move my jaw it hurts considerably. my hearing is dull also, which i cannot stand and it keeps me a sleep at night, the past two nights i have had less than 7 hours sleep. what should i do?
Pain & Pain Management - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
well hi sorry to hear about your infection my mother has an ear infection and she takes tablets to help with the pain if you have drops put them in before you go to sleep and put a cotton bud in your ear then take it out in the morning and wrap it in something and take it to the doctors and ask them to see if your ear is leaking from the inside hope that works
2 :
Ask Mum to make an appointment with the DOCTOR, it sounds like an infection and you could need antibiotics. If its affecting your jaw now its getting worse not better.Have you tried resting your head on a hot water bottle, protected, or a wheat bag. They may ease the pain. Paracetamol or aspirin would be better than ibuprofen.
3 :
Are you running a fever? If so ear drops aren't working you need antibotics .Keep you hear warm like sleeping on a heating pad. If you have pains in your jaw Call the Dr. office tell them what is going on(i meanget your momto call ) they should have you pick up some drugs at a pharmacy> Don't keep on letting it go onyou'll lose your hearing!
4 :
I think I would get a second opinion, its not normal for the pain to get worse. Swimmers ear is another name for what you have. The drops really should have cleared it up.

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