Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Spanish help plz 10 points

Spanish help plz 10 points?
Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written. Como a una manzana. correct 2 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Me gusta _______ ropa. comprar 3 Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written. Juan no está aquí. Puedes llamarlo luego. incorrect 4 What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Hay doce huevos en una docena. 12 5 Choose the best answer. Which of the following would you most often do at night? acostarse 6 Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written. Me gusta lavarme las manos. incorrect 7 Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written. Voy a pie cuidadosomente. correct 8 What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? El enfermero trata de cuidar a los niños bien. nurse 9 Choose the word that best completes the phrase. Yo _____ (go to bed) tarde. me acuesta 10 Imagine that you are speaking on the telephone. Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. No te puedo ________ a la fiesta. invitar 11 Select which phrase will be replaced with a indirect object pronoun & which pronoun will be used. Nosotros traemos la comida a nuestros abuelos. a nuestros abuelos; les 12 Choose the best answer. Which of the following would you probably not find in the bathroom? el lavaplatos 13 What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? No hay ninguna fruta tropical aquí. tropical 14 Choose the best Spanish equivalent to the phrase. Paco gives it to me. Paco me lo da. 15 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Pablo Picasso is considered a fabulous _________. artista 16 Choose the best answer. Which of the following does NOT involve water? dormirse 17 Choose the best response. ¿Sabes dónde está la tienda nueva? No, yo no sé. 18 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Las personas tienen dos_________. piernas 19 Choose the best Spanish equivalent to the phrase. Ramón never washes his face. Ramón nunca se lava la cara. 20 Decide whether the sentence is true or false. Antes = before; Después = after El quinto es después del octavo. False 21 Choose the best answer. Which number is in the hundreds? doscientos 22 Choose the best answer. Which is one way you would NOT answer the telephone in Spanish? Molesta 23 What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Me duele el estómago. stomach 24 Change the following from an adjective to an adverb. bondadoso bondadosomente 25 Choose the best word to complete the phrase. _____ (They ask) cuánto cuesta. Piden 26 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Madrid es una gran ________. ciudad 27 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. ________ está en la boca. la lengua 28 Decide whether the sentence is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT as written. ¿Tienes una falda nueva? correct 29 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Tomo mi cafecito en el ________. sistema 30 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Michael Jordan lleva una talla _________. grande 31 Fill in the blank with the Spanish word that best completes the following sentence. Ella no ________ aquí. (She is not here.) es 32 Choose the best word to complete the phrase. _____ (We ask for) ropa nueva. Pedimos 33 Choose the best answer. What do you see if you cut yourself? la sangre 34 Choose the best Spanish equivalent. 500 quinientos 35 Choose the best Spanish equivalent to the phrase. María is the second doctor here. María es la segunda doctora aquí. 36 Choose which rule is used in the given context. To convey inferiority. menos + adjective, adverb, noun + que 37 Decide whether the sentence is true or false. Antes = before; Después = after El séptimo es antes del sexto. False 38 What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? La primera cantante en el programa es Shakira. singer 39 Choose the best word or phrase to complete the sentence. Ella pide _____. ayuda 40 Choose the word that best completes the phrase. ¿_____ (Do they try on) mucha ropa? Te pruebas 41 Choose the word that best completes the phrase. Nosotros _____ (take showers). nos duchamos 42 Choose the best answer. What do I need to travel to a foreign country? el pasaporte 43 Fill i
Languages - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
get a mexy to help you
2 :
Dude,i'm not going to do your homework for you. Study your notes and LEARN it but don't expect me or anyone else to do all this for you
3 :
Dude! By the time you typed this out, you actually could have done this by yourself
4 :
you already put all the answers there
5 :
im thinking that you should do this yourself.. i could help you but it is wayyyy too long!
6 :
The first one is wrong. There's no need for the "a" before manzana. What's wrong with this sentence? "Juan no está aquí. Puedes llamarlo luego." And this one? "Me gusta lavarme las manos." This one has an error (you said it did not): "Voy a pie cuidadosomente." Adverbs use the feminine form + -mente. So, it'd be cuidadosamente. In number nine, you've conjugated incorrectly. "I go to bed" is reflexive. You've said "I he puts me to bed late." Me acuesto. Nosotros traemos la comida a nuestros abuelos. You can replace "nuestros abuelos" with les, but you can also replace "la comida" with la. That, however, changes the "les" to "se." For 24, see above about adverbs. Bondadosamente. Is "Preguntan" an option for 25? That would work better. 29: "Tomo mi cafecito en el sistema." I take my coffee in the system? I'm pretty sure that's not the right answer. "Ella no ________ aquí. (She is not here.)" For how you feel and where you are, always use the verb estar. Ella no está aquí. "¿_____ (Do they try on) mucha ropa?" You said: "Te pruebas" Are you "they"? Nope. So, they are third person, plural. Se prueban.
7 :
1. no Come una manzana 2. yes 3.yes 4.yes 5.yes 6.yes 7.yes 8.yes me acuesto 10.yes 11.yes 12.yes 13.yes 14.yes 15.yes 16.yes 17.yes 18.yes 19.yes 20.yes 21.yes 22.yes 23.yes 24.bondadosamente 25.Preguntan 26.yes 27.yes 28.yes 30.yes 31.está 32.yes 33.yes 34.yes 35.yes 36.yes 37.yes 38.yes 39.yes 40.Ellos se prueban 41.yes 42.yes 43.?

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