Friday, June 1, 2012

edit/proofread my paper

edit/proofread my paper?
My paper on bergen belsen for eighth grade honors english find any errors, constructive criticism, it'd be greatly appreciated Infamous for claiming the death of Anne Frank, along with 50,000 others, Bergen-Belsen has become a notorious symbol of the horrors that occurred during World War II in concentration camps across Europe. Known for the unbelievably filthy and overcrowded living spaces, along with the mass graves, an immense typhus epidemic and the monumental liberation, Bergen-Belsen represents a portion of the unfathomable crimes committed during World War II. Located south of the small towns of Bergen and Belsen, and 11 miles north of Celle, Germany, Bergen-Belsen was originally set up as a POW camp in 1940. It was used to hold prisoners that were eligible to be traded for German citizens in allied internment camps. In April, 1943 the SS Economic-Administration Office, which controlled the concentration camp system, overtook part of Bergen-Belsen and converted it to a civilian residence camp, and later into the infamous concentration camp that is known today for the horrors that took place within the barbed wire fences. The camp was divided into various sections. The three main sections were the Prisoner of War camp, the residence camp and the prisoner’s camp. The residence camp consisted of four smaller camps, the neutral camp, the special camp, the star camp, and the Hungarian camp. The prisoner’s camp consisted of the recuperation camp, the tent camp, the small women’s camp, the large women’s camp and the original prisoner’s camp. Inmates from each division of Bergen-Belsen were separated from each other by barbed wire fences that isolated each part of the camp. The “neutral camp� housed several hundred Jews from neutral countries such as Spain, Argentina, Portugal and Turkey. Conditions were decent up until March of 1945, and prisoners were not forced to work. Until the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, many other Jews from neutral countries were placed in this unit of Bergen-Belsen. The “special camp� of the Residence unit of Bergen-Belsen consisted of thousands of Polish Jews that possessed temporary passports from South America, that were therefore deported to Bergen-Belsen. Though they were strictly isolated because of their knowledge of the cruelties that took place in Poland, the residents did not have to work. The Bergen-Belsen Memorial Site booklet states that “By mid 1944, most of this group had been transported to Auschwitz and murdered. Only about 350 of them remained.� The “Star Camp� held around four thousand Jewish prisoners, the majority from the Netherlands. Conditions were better than most of the camp and instead of the striped prison uniform, prisoners wore a Star of David on their own clothes. Prisoners of the Star Camp were forced to work, even the elderly. The Hungarian Camp was built in July, 1944 for the almost 2,000 Jews from Hungary. Inmates were treated even better than those in the “star camp� and were permitted to wear regular clothes, with a Star of David sewn on. They were not forced to work, or attend the continuous roll calls. Inmates were well fed, and properly cared for when sick. Sick prisoners that were unable to work were brought to the recuperation camp from concentration camps throughout Germany. Because of the insufficient medical care, the mortality rate in the “recuperation camp� was alarmingly high. The first transport was made up of 1,000 inmates from the Dora-Mittelbau camp, most suffering from tuberculosis. When Bergen-Belsen was liberated, just over a year later, only fifty-seven had survived. 200 prisoners were of the recuperation camp were murdered by an injection of Phenol, as ordered by “Head Nurse� Karl Rothe, who classified these murders as “mercy killings.� The “tent camp� was initially used as a transit camp for women arriving from Poland. 3,000 women who were evacuated from Auschwitz-Birkenau, and transported to Bergen-Belsen in late October and early November of 1944, and were housed in tents because barracks were not yet ready for them. The Dutch Red Cross was informed that the women were sick, but possibly curable. Because of their condition, prisoners were not forced to work. The tents were not heated, had no toilet or lights, and instead of a bed, they had a thin layer of straw on the ground. Anne and Margot Frank were probably kept in the tent camp for a short period of time after their transfer from Auschwitz in October 1944. In early November of 1944, several tents were blown over by the wind of a storm, and prisoners were moved into the barracks of the small women’s camp which had opened that August for women being evacuated from Auschwitz. By December 2, 1944 a total of 15,257 prisoners were in Bergen-Belsen and over half of them were housed in the Women’s Camp. In January 1945, the Women’s camp became a second Prisoner’s camp, for male prisoners. Around that time, Bergen-Belsen expanded and a new division of the camp
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Located south of the small towns of Bergen and Belsen, and 11 miles north of Celle, Germany, Bergen-Belsen was originally set up as a POW camp in 1940. [this starts a new paragraph] The camp was divided into various sections. [new paragraph] The “neutral camp� [new paragraph] The “special camp� of t[new paragraph] The “Star Camp� held [new paragraph] The Hungarian Camp [new paragraph] Sick prisoners th [new paragraph] 200 prisoners from the recuperation camp were murdered by an injection of The “tent camp� w[new paragraph] By December 2, 1944 a to[new paragraph] Since there are 11 paragraphs, I think you need to re-organize. ******Your introduction says you will discuss 4 topics.********* Known for the (#1)unbelievably filthy and overcrowded living spaces, (#2)along with the mass graves, (#3)an immense typhus epidemic and (#4) the monumental liberation, [What happened?] This would mean 6 paragraphs at most. "unfathomable crimes committed" are the four topics. If you must write about the various uses made of the camp, change the introduction.

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