Sunday, June 28, 2009

If you could study at any university in the world where would it be

If you could study at any university in the world where would it be?
well i'm doing a one year course in nursing here in ireland before i go into university next september 2010, i'm from ireland and my mother said i can go to any university that i would like abroad if i wish next year! she said she thinks i should study in canada, what do you think? other places i was thinking was australia, scotland, spain, france or any part of america! I can't decide i think i'll research some of the colleges before i make up my mind, because i hear you have to start applying to these universities straight after christmas. I was really considering studying in spain because i go there every year on holiday since i was like 9 years old! and i love it! i have always wanted to live there, but since my mother gave me the option to go anywhere i don't know now what to do?
Adolescent - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
OXFORD!! OR HARVARD!! i am going into the RAF,, so hopefully they will pay the £1000 a year for it,, but thats if i am clever enough,, i am starting my GCSE's,, and hopefully they will be reli gd,, i hav wanted to go to oxford since like,, forever but now i want to persu my career as a fire fighter pilot in the RAF instead,, i know i havent got it yet,, but i hope i will
2 :
Oh nice, well when you join university they give you some kind of TOUR in some other countries and i don't know if they do pay you for it, but yes they help you in find a place to live, its not only in canada here in spain if you join university they give you a tour around so you can be more confortable then just this, by living in only one place.. maybe you're gonna be selected like this so... i don't know much but i know what ive told you.. I hope it helped.. it doesn't depends on place just look around and open and see how other people lives this is what really matters now here...
3 :
I want to go to Oxford University :)
4 :
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Fine Arts - It's in Greece or The University of Manchester, School of Medicine - England Spain would be amazing! I've only been there once, but it was beautiful!
5 :
Definitely Oxford!
6 :
Well I would either choose UK, US or Canada. If it's the UK=Oxford for sure, The US=Harvard or Yale... but they are also very elite... Or Canada it has wonderful universities, they're regulated by the government so money cant buy you a title... not that you would but in general.. And the way of living here is far better than in the US...
7 :
Edinburgh is a great place to live and study and is not too far from home so your folks could come and visit you. I think Canada would be amazing too though.
8 :
Northwestern University in Chicago.
9 :
I would love to study at Tokyo University or Cambridge in the United Kingdom.
10 :
idk good questions. i am 21 years old with 2 kids so dont ask that
11 :
then go to spain!!! i would go to japan as i love it too
12 :
The summer I was 11 I spent three weeks at a program for kids at Stanford University, and I knew from my first day there that it was the school I wanted to graduate from one day. It was a high bar to reach, but I worked from that summer forward on being a strong student so I'd be a worthy candidate, and I applied early decision last fall and was accepted in December. It's the only university in the world I have ever wanted to attend. You are incredibly fortunate to have a supportive parent who can enable you to study anywhere. I think your first step would be to research a multitude of universities for the ones that offer the field you wish to study and the atmosphere that suits your personality. Most colleges and universities have web sites that list their admission policies for international students, and many require that you apply in the fall. I applied to Oxford in the UK last year, and it was a very rigorous and time-consuming process that had to be completed by October. Keep in mind that your first year out of the house can be very challenging, and that you may become homesick and want to return to visit your family and friends over the breaks, so consider the time and cost involved in doing so, and ask yourself if you'd be happy living on the other side of the world such in Australia where the time difference would make it difficult to even call / IM your friends. If I was in your situation I would attend a university in Ireland or the UK, and then study abroad your 2nd year or over the summer. I hope to study in Salamanca, Spain one day because it's astonishingly beautiful and has an awesome vibe for young people. My cousin studied there a few years ago and had an amazing experience. My top picks for England would be Oxford and Cambridge, but they are both exceptionally difficult to get into, and you can only apply for one or the other in the same year. There are so many awesome universities just in London alone like UCL, Imperial College, Kings College, all the colleges within the University of Arts, and LSE, and elsewhere in England Royal Holloway and Leeds are amongst the ones that would be my top pick. It all depends on what you wish to study. If you wanted to be a writer, I'd recommend the University of East Anglia; if you wanted to study economics I'd suggest LSE. In Scotland St Andrews would hands-down be my first choice, and in Ireland I'd apply to Trinity. You apply to the majority of universities in the UK on this website, and you can do a course search of all the schools. The US equivalent is Common Application: I wish you the best of luck. : ) ~ peace

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