Sunday, June 14, 2009

What photos are your computer desk

What photos are your computer desk?
Okay so it doesn't have to be a computer desk, that's just where I keep the photos which mean the most to be :) I was just wondering out of interest what the most beloved photos you have are and why it's important to you ... Mine include 1. My Papa as a young boy it's a black and white snap which just doesn't give the colors of Italy a chance but the smile on his face as he looks down from a tree branch to my Nonno makes up for it 2. My Mama as a young girl in rural spain, dressed in her best dressed with muddy knees and dipping her feet off the edge of Abuelo's fishing boat which just reminds me how much of a tomboy my put together feminine mother really was 3. My parents' wedding photo is considered plain by any standards in the modern day but Mama's simple white dress is the one I fell in love with as a little girl and I've never seen my Papa stand so strong in a suit which actually fits and doesn't have marinara sauce on it so mixed with the looks on their faces which first taught me what love was, this is one of my favorite photos 4. There is a collage of photos, two side by side - The first is of my oldest brother holding me just hours after I was born, he was just a toddler with bed head, mismatched clothes and a milk moustache but he looks so proud to be a big brother - The second is about four years later when my younger brother was born and is built around the same set up, my brother still hasn't brushed his hair and Papa has obviously tried yet failed to plait my hair so that one if falling out and the other is on top of my head but yet again my big brother looks so protective over both of us and my baby brother is squeezing my finger as I smile at him 5. The first photo of my husband and me back when we were six years old and simply best friends, we're squeezed together onto the tree swing in my back garden talking quietly - It's innocent, simple and almost plain but it just speaks bounds about our relationship 6. A photo of my brothers and I sitting on the couch when I was eight - My left arms in a cast which is already been scribbled on, my older brother is nursing a broken fist and my little brother has a bleeding nose with a tissue bunched up to it all because someone had pushed me off the jungle gym and my ten and four year olds brothers had decided they had to do something ... It reminds me how over protective my family can be 7. My husband and I, aged around twelve lying on my couch fast asleep surrounded by history textbooks - His back is pressed against the arm and I've slipped in between his legs, pressed up against his chest in my sleep as his arms wrap around my waist and it just goes to show how we fell in love long before we admitted it to each other :P 8. My first ever prom when I was fourteen years old, I was so excited that someone had asked me to the dance and spent weeks looking for the perfect dark green dress so that I look extremely happy awkwardly curling my arm around my date's with my husband/best friend at the time stood beside us with his date - The photo has a rip through it, seperating my date and I after a found him kissing another girl after the dance ... My husband found it after we moved in together and sellotaped it back together to show me how jealous he actually looks in the photo because although I knew he didn't like my date, I never knew it was because he wanted to ask me himself 9. My high school graduation photo has all my family in it and that's a heck of a lot of people :) Papa was so proud of his little princess graduating that he flew both families from Italy and Spain to California just so they could see it - I'm standing in the center with both my brothers either side of me, my youngest wearing my graduation cap and my oldest holding my diploma high above my head so I can't reach So that's just some of mine, what are yours?
Parenting - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I have a whole bunch of pictures in a storage chest in my room. But the ones I have on display are mostly of my daughter. I have a collage type thing going on that has 3 frames. Two are just my daughter, the middle one has a picture of my boyfriend and I pre-parenthood, under that is an ultrasound picture, under that is our daughter on her 1st birthday.
2 :
Everyone who represents joy and happiness in my life: portraits of my 2 daughters, picture of our family when we went to Disney World on my eldest's 7th birthday, family picture taken on a studio last father's day, and a picture of my parents, me and my husband, and my 2 other sisters with their spouses all together when we visited out home country.
3 :
well at my work its a group picture of all my 9 nieces and nephews , i am currently on maternity leave so i will be taking a picture of my beautifull little girl when i go back
4 :
my are of my daughter and me and her father. My favorite is a picture of her and daddy together at the park. She is sitting on a large turtle and he is behind her. Ever time I look at that picture it reminds me of all the laughter we shared that day. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words. But I think it worth a lot more in feelings.
5 :
Every picture I have is special and important to me, especially the baby pictures of our little girl. I have a scrapbook for her and most of them are in there. My husband got me a digital frame for Vday and I have tons of there too. The rest are on my computer.
6 :
I don't have any pictures on my computer. I have a external hard drive that I keep all my digital pictures on, but I tend to print out all the pictures on the digital camera once a month and stick them in a photo album.

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