Monday, June 1, 2009

I need help, pls! Help me translate the following into spanish. I want to sound like a native speaker

I need help, pls! Help me translate the following into spanish. I want to sound like a native speaker..?
can anybody help me translate the following into french and spanish, please?? I want to sound like a fluent 20 year old guy speaking to his aunt... thank you.. Dear Aunt Cory, How are you and Tita Nanette? I hope you have adjusted right now. Until now it is so painful just to think that Abuelita is gone. Although I was not the favored one, I know she loved me because I felt it... I will never forget what she has done to me and to my family, what she taught us, the good values she instilled in our lives, how caring and loving friend, daughter, sister, mother and grandmother she was. All her good memories will be in our hearts forever... I looked up to her all my life. I will surely miss her. Until now I can believe she is dead, that she cannot be with me, with us anymore. It was really sudden. I thought she was going to reach the age of 100.. but I guess God has other plan. It all happened for a reason. I'm just sad because did not have the chance to be with her for longer time and because I was not able to tell her how much I love her, how much I appreciate her. But I realized we all have to move on because in that way, she will be at peace, she will be happy in heaven.. Now she is together with Abuelito, Tito Joey, Tito Butch and Tito Chichirico.. I believe she has a special place in heaven because she did very well here on earth when she was here. She treated her neighbors fairly. She never lost her faith in God that is why she really has a special part in God's heart.. Let us just hope that Abuelita is watching over us, guiding us and praying for us.. I wrote to you because I want you to know how I feel right now.. And I just want to thank you for giving me hope (for sending me back to school) to have a better future. Right now, I feel so blessed knowing that someday I can have a better life. Thank you again. Please tell Tita Trini that I love her so much. For me, she is still my mother.. I just hope she feels the same way.. Regarding to my schooling next June, I have decided to take up nursing to UERM (it is so far one of the best nursing schools in manila). I realized that my previous course was not really my thing.. For now, I need to have money. I am being practical. If I take up nursing, a lot of job awaits me abroad. I realized that if I really want to study that ''Dream course'', might as well, take it up abroad because it is also my dream to study there. So it is final. I am taking up nursing.. As of now I still find the right school. It is too late to try to take an entrance examination in UST and UP Manila. Usually they are giving the examination on the month of June, July and August. How bad! they are rank one and two in the best nursing schools in the philippines.. Titas, I do not want you to be disappointed and I do not want to waste this great opportunity that you are going to give me.. So I promise that I will do my best and I will make sure that in 4 to 5 years, we will all be together there in Spain.. I am so excited!!
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Enfin t'es hyper fainéant toi.....

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