Saturday, March 1, 2008

Would a nursing degree earned in America transfer to Spain

Would a nursing degree earned in America transfer to Spain?
I am a nursing student in my last semester, and I am thinking about moving to Spain. What would I need to do about my nursing license/degree in order to start working in Spain? Thanks.(:
Health Care - 2 Answers
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1 :
Given that Registered Nurses in North America (as in the US and Canada) have the highest amount of education, training, and responsiblity of any country in the world, I would imagine it would. But, keep in mind, that nurses in other countries (even in Western Europe) don't have the same responsibilites as American nurses do and you may find yourself very limited on what you are allowed to do in the clinical setting.
2 :
Almost all countries will make you at the minimum re-license and probably re-test, and you may even need to take anywhere from one course to a full program. Be aware, that all the drugs have different names in europe. Probably you will have to wait until you actually move there, as trying to do this long distance will be very problematic, not to mention the time difference, language barriers etc.

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