Friday, November 14, 2008

I need answers! would you let your 18 year old daughter live and work in spain for 3 months on her own

I need answers! would you let your 18 year old daughter live and work in spain for 3 months on her own?
I need answers! would you let your 18 year old daughter live and work in spain for 3 months on her own? Were from ireland and spain is about 2 hours away on a plane.well she turns 18 next year so next summer she wants to go over to spain (mallorca) for 3 months to work ina bar or a local shop and rent a place, she loves this place and every year she says shes coming back when shes 18 for a few months for an experience. Do you think its ok to let her go on her own? she won't leave me alone i'll definately go over with her for the first week or 2 to make sure shes settled in and gets a job. shes even started saving for backup money incase she doesn't find a job, she says shes going to try and save up enough money to keep her going over there for 3 months so she doesn't have to get a job. shes also starting a one year college course in september till may so as soon as shes finished that she wants to head over. she says when she comes back after the 3 months she'll finish her college course and carry on studying nursing. what do you think? I just want her to be safe should i say yes and let her carry on saving?
Adolescent - 25 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
how responsible is she? if she is very responsible, then sure.
3 :
i think u should let her, im a 14 ear old boy and im going from america to armenian(which is in aisa) by myself for 2 months i have family over their so i have a place to stay but she is all grown up let her go :))))
4 :
Yes definately.. and by the way.. not to be rude but she is 18 which means legally she can do whatever she wants.. maybe as her mom you shoudl start getting used to that.
5 :
I think that is a fabulous idea! If she desires that at the age of 18 and has the opportunity then I would say go for it. I think it is wonderful that you are there for her for support.
6 :
When she's 18, she'll be an adult and there's really nothing you can do to stop her. If she really wants to go, it would be good if she had your blessing. It sounds to me like she has planned things well. Time to cut the cord, I'm afraid.
7 :
when i was 18 i went to work in switzerland for a year, I think maybe if you let her go she will be more responsible later. It all depends on the type of girl your daugther is... if shes somebody who works hard, listens to your opinions and never really got in trouble.. you have raised her to make good choices. If you really feel she isn't mature enough then that's really up to you. You will never know if she can fly if you dont let her go.
8 :
You can't really stop her from saving her own money...and after she turns 18, you can't really stop her from traveling. Considering she's planning and going about it in a mature way (saving her own money, planning to get a job, doing her class and planning on continuing her education later) i think you should be supportive. It's one thing if she expects you to pay for everything for her trip, then you have power over it...but she's doing things on her own so you should just be supportive and help her if she needs it and where you think you can and should help.
9 :
I dont know what the laws are as far as age but here in the US at 18 there's really nothing you can do if she wants to go. Me I would be scared my daughter is 17 soon to be 18 and Im afraid of when the time comes when she wants to move out. If you havent see the move TAKEN go see it. Scared the hell out of me. 3 months is a long time to live in another country by herself. Does she have family or any friends Id be leery but again what can you do but tell them what you think.
10 :
Why not? A marvelous opportunity, travel broadens the mind and makes you a more responsible person.
11 :
Yes, and if you let her go, it will show her that you trust her and love her ;)
12 :
I hate living and working in spain for 3 months on my own
13 :
I think that next year when she is 18 it will be fine but you need to spend this year preparing her for the real world.
14 :
I think she should at least have someone with her. She just came out of high school. Why can't she work in Ireland? Don't let her go too far... I'm not saying you go with her, but have a friend go too.
15 :
i would let a 3 month old go to spain on her own for 18 years
16 :
Definitely! She's 18 years old, and adult. It will be a great experience for both of you. Just make sure she does her research and is safe, because you don't want her to end up like Amanda Knox (in foreign countries the government is very different, so you have to be careful, or you could be wrongly accused and your life ruined) Good Luck!!
17 :
She's 18. If she wants to do it, then you don't have a say. However, I would let her go as long as she had enough money and a relative plan to go about getting a job. It's good to see the world before you settle down and will look even better on her resume when she wants to get into a nursing job.
18 :
she seems very mature. I don't know what it's like in ireland, but in america, you are considered an adult at 18. So, "letting" her really isn't the right word. I think you should let her go, it seems like she is very confident that she is doing the right thing.
19 :
She is 18, technically it is her choice and not yours. But if she is responsible and you feel she'll be okay then I think you should support her decision to go.
20 :
Yes I would. She's considered an adult now (well IDK about Ireland but she is in the US) and well you can't stop her. You shouldn't go with her for 2 weeks, she needs to learn how to sink and swim on her own now. I think its time for you to let go, and its her money she can do want she's wants with it.
21 :
she will be 18 so you don't have any say. she will be an adult. Kara
22 :
she's 18, let her spread her wings and make her mistakes. and clean them up her self and start HER life as an adult and as an individual.
23 :
Ok well she is 18 and legally an adult. So you cannot actually "let" her or stop her. And you have to cut the apron strings eventually and realise that she is not a baby anymore but a full functioning adult
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If I had the choice, I wouldn't allow her, but you don't get aa choice if she's 18. She's an adult.

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