Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Does anyone have any advice for a person living on their own for the first time

Does anyone have any advice for a person living on their own for the first time?
I will be moving into my very own apartment for the first time in May after I finish my nursing degree next month. I will be starting off working in a hospital making $60,000 a year and they are going to help me pay back my student loans. Since I am going to be a traveling nurse, to Spain, housing is free. Anyway, does anyone have any advice for someone living on their own for the first time? Does anyone have any stories of bad mistakes that they made that you want others to avoid? In particular, are there any mistakes that caused you to lose a lot of money or cost you a lot of unneccesary money and if you had known what you knew now you would not have made the mistake?
Personal Finance - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Even though housing is free you still need to put yourself on a budget you just never know...good luck!
2 :
Just save your money in case of an emergency. You never know what could come up. Have a plane ticket amount saved up for an emergency for whatever might arise back here. Congrats on your new job!!! You'll love Spain from What I've heard =-)
3 :
Don't buy anything you don't absolutely need to have. Necessities only. Be careful with anything else involving spending money. Save as much as you can. Don't gamble, or waste foolishly. If it's not something you'll love forever, don't buy it. Create a budget for yourself. It's up to you to decide how much you wanna save, too. Search for budget sheets online and work on it. There are things you probably can't avoid, but in those things, be more careful.
4 :
one thing you don't won't to do rush into a relationship . that will come in good time. don't let homeless people move in with you. and don't loan out money. good luck.
5 :
Iv'e been on my own since 8 years old.....ain't no big deal.....just use your common sense....youv'e got more than enough to survive on...goodness there are masses of homeless folk out there that survive in cardboard boxes,etc.....You have a secure job and regular should have no problem at all.!
6 :
My suggestion to you, since its sounds like you will be able to save alot of money with no housing costs, if A) Get those student loans paid off as soon as possible. B) If you have a credit card, use it and pay off the bill every month to build up your credit. This will help you when you decide you want to purchase a car/home, and also with utility companies. C) Work is very important and sometimes (most times) its hard and frustrating. Remember to have some fun..OK? You only live once.

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