Friday, August 7, 2009

Can your heart's desires be telling you something

Can your heart's desires be telling you something?
I'm Southern Baptist but haven't been to church lately. I'm going through this period in my life where I'm a bit confused; I'd like to teach English abroad and I have my certificate. I have studied abroad three times; twice in Mexico, once in Spain. I never felt like I belonged in USA and when I went abroad I felt accepted and the sense of belonging I never had in USA and my heart was there. I haven't readjusted and never will, and I know in my heart I don't belong here. No one believes me but they don't undrstand what it's like to be me. I have been profoundly depressed because I feel out of place in US culture. I don't wanna adjust; I wanna leave and never return. I would like to return to Mexico and teach but every time I discuss my plans with people, they freak out and tell me how dangerous it is. I don't agree with that 100% but I am so afraid that my parents will suffer. I have done some soul searching and know in my heart I need to be back there but no one believes me. I have had experiences in both countries, some good and some horrible and I feel like the answer has been revealed to me. I don't think Mexico is unreasonably dangerous but even if it is, I think that you have to take chances. I don't think it's likely that I'll be shot or die from violence, but even if it were, I'm gonna die anyway, as are all of us. An even WORSE death would be to be dying in a wet depend in some nursing home, wondering what would have happened if I had taken risks in life and wishing I had followed my heart. I mean if I go down there and take a chance... at least I'll have my answer. That's what's gonna happen if I don't go. I never married and don't have any kids and probably never will and I won't have anyone to love me when I'm old. I feel sad leaving my parents behind, but strangely it makes me even sadder to leave my dog. You non pet people will laugh but I love her more than I'll ever love any living thing; I'd die for her. I feel guilty about abandoning her. She is my mom's dog and she belongs to our whole famly, so she'd be cared for, but who knows what animals think? My mom says to turn it over to God and that God will reveal the right answer to you. She says, "God speaks through others sometimes..." If it's my heart's desire to return to mexico, and I know in my heart I belong there, well... would my heart lie to me? I had some terrible experiences here in USA but I have learnt a lot from them. I did an internship at a high school here and the kids were exceptionally cruel to me. I had a regular job in an office years ago and hated it. I'm just not ready to settle down and close the book on adventures! I'm not sure if my ambition is risky, but I know it's the right choice. Can your heart's desire reveal Gods will for your life? To me I feel like God's knocking me upside the head with a 2x4 when my heart speaks to me... "get outta North Carolina and go back to mexico NOW!!!!" But everyone thinks I'm an idiot for wanting to do this. No one thinks I'm smart enough to make good decisions. It makes me cry...
Religion & Spirituality - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I hate to break it to you, but your heart doesn't have any "desires." It's a mass of muscle that pumps blood, and it's not the seat of our source of any thought, emotion, desire, or anything else. And it can't tell the truth or lie, because all it does is pump blood. Once you realize that, and recognize that your "heart's desire" is a product of the thoughts in your brain, you might gain some more control over your emotions and be able to make better (more rational) decisions. Evaluate your situation. Look at the pros and cons of various options. Then decide what the best course of action would be for you. Once you decide, stick to it and work hard at it. Good luck, and peace.
2 :
Go out travel no matter what anybody says. Just do whatever does most for you in the end, like an education. There's nothing that can be done sitting around and waiting for an answer that will never come, if you want get out and follow your dream, you do it yourself.
3 :
You are smart enough to teach and smart enough to know that you feel better outside of the US than you do in it. Your parents may miss you but you have said that you'll be happier. So trust in *yourself* and your own intellect and just go for it!
4 :
How could anything be dangerous if you are sitting in the hand of the mighty God.. this is a horrible country for a religious person to be. Our society is largely sexually obsessed, as seen in the media that they constantly shove at us. Are government is only a few steps away from outlawing religion altoghetr.. Go where your heart tells you to go. I am single and have that whole what am I supossed to be doing with this life thing. If you feel passionate about something, pursue it. I can also relate to the part that you are drwn to hispanics. I am kind of a big scary dork of a man and people always look at me funny..When I meet Asian (oriental) people they respond to me easily. I feel at ease with them.. I've thought about going to China to preach the word. I think it is dangerous there for christians, but what else would I do? Go for your goals
5 :
soooo whats with your "free will"? its your choice and only yours... no one ties you down here ...get the ticket today. make sure you go to a good christian church and read the bible ,,,and pray while out there. if this does not work for some reason.....become a missionary. continue to belive in your heart.

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