Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is there any 1 year college course i could do? I need to start work by next summer!?
well i'm 17 and just finished school i want to start college in september just do a year course, its really something to do until next year until i'm 18, as i am plannin to go to spain next june and work there for the summer and if i like it i'll permantantly live there. I just have to wait until i am old enough to go on my own so by doing a one year course kills time, and i really want to do a course i will like, a female course i already got accepted to a small course in nursing but want more options, can you think of any?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
No, not for one year. Many CC have great two year career programs Sorry, are you in the US or the UK? It makes a difference- each works very differently
2 :
1 year? No. 2 years? Yes.

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