Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why can't women join the infantry in America

Why can't women join the infantry in America?
why can women join the infantry in places such as spain, or canada but can't join in america? i don't believe its fair... someone told me that all the women do in the war is cook, clean, and nurse... well what if i wanna fight... then i just can't?
Military - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Because their bodies are distracting to the men on the front line.
2 :
Because it is written.
3 :
Because women make sh!t soldiers of course.
4 :
they serve but you want your strongest at the front and not to generalize but men are stronger then women
5 :
The can't join the infantry, but they can enlist in a quartermaster MOS and pull convoy security because civilians do all of the logistic jobs now.
6 :
it has to do with something like if a women becomes a POW they'll get raped by the kidnappers or something similar to that. 14 series involves being somewhat in combat. i seen some women who are 14 series.
7 :
How about this scenerio, TORTURE!! a woman gets captured an raped hundreds of times, troops use this prisioner as a toy for their pleasure for 2 years while in captivity. Guess what battle is bad being captured is worse and just imagine the nightmare torment a women would endure. Also the women in the military need to just as strong as their counterparts because the backpacks with the gear can weigh up to 60 pounds. I am not saying there are not women who can not do the job, I think they should be able to join the infantry if they are as strong as the men they are working with. Not trying to disrespect women but it is true.
8 :
Infantry soldiers are the most likely to get KILLED or permanently MAIMED in combat.
9 :
Hello Xania. There is only one reason that American women are not permitted to be in combat in the US military forces. The Congress of the United States will not approve it because they believe that women would be tortured, raped and abused if captured by our enemies and made POWs. The Congress knows that there would be such an "outcry" by the American people if female American military soldiers were permitted into direct combat and subject to POW status and possible torture and rape. Think about the possibility of military women of "Spain or Canada" being POWs for 7 or more years in places like Vietnam! No other countries in the world can sustain wars around the world for 10 years or more like the US can. These other countries have a military that is designed only to protect their own country and ward off attacks by other countries. Best wishes, Larry Smith Senior Master Sergeant, USAF (Ret.) First Sergeant
10 :
unfortunetly there are no combat focused mos that allow women, so yes being a woman you would be cooking driving nursing or filing paperwork, but trust me i wish i joined one of those jobs instead of my hooah hooah combat mos. you may wanna fight now but wait until your in a bunker and everything around you is exploding. (dispite the avatar and name i am actually a man i just use my wifes yahoo account)
11 :
if you wanna fight then join as an MP and hope you get the chance to women are barred from all combat arms MOSs in the US because physically they cant do the job and unlike canada we're a country that handles a the vast majority of wars that we're a part of. it would be detrimental to the US military to have those with lower standards serving in area's where those lower standards would lead to a failed mission. if you have a problem with this, please write your congressman to complain about: *women having lower physical standards than males have *women being allowed to have more body fat then men more *women being able to get ouf of deployment by gettring pregnant with no repucrussions at all, while if a man does something to get out of deployment he gets a dishonorable discharge *women having different grooming standards than men if you want FAIR, then thats the first step towards equality
12 :
Cooking, cleaning, and nursing are not the only things women can do in the military. Cooking is an MOS that anybody can enlist for and cleaning is just a reality of being in the military; with the majority of the cleaning done by E-4s and below. Being a nurse is a respectable job and requires a bachelors degree in nursing. There are a lot of other jobs that you can do as a female that help advance the mission such as supply, administration, driving trucks, being military police and more. The reason women can't be infantry in the US is because Congress does not want women to be in direct combat jobs. Regardless on whether or not there are women capable of doing it, there aren't enough who are both willing and able to fight for the change. If you want to be in the infantry you really have two choices: either write your Congressperson and demand that they push to allow females in infantry or move to Canada and apply for residency. Option one probably won't do much since it would be political suicide for a politician to push to allow women to do infantry. Option two would be your best option but could take years depending on their immigration system and how long it takes before you're eligible to enter the Canadian military.
13 :
Xania, It is futile to try to have this conversations with the overwhelming majority of males on this board. Women should be allowed to join the infantry. It is a ridiculous law. Women are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq as we speak. They have shown themselves to be courageous fighters and many have been awarded Purple Hearts, Silver Stars, Bronze Stars etc as a result of their courage and valor. They are carrying the same equipment as men. As for the argument that women would be raped as a POW. Yes, she probably will. But that does not mean that she should not be able to serve in infantry. She can be raped just as easily working in a support MOS, as infantry. Secondly, this denies the fact that MEN have been raped as a POW also. Do you really think that men weren't raped in Vietnam or in Andersonville or in a concentration camp? Do you really think men didn't come back from war broken men.? Suffering from PTSD? No one wants anyone to be raped, or tortured, or have their fingernails yanked out and then broken, or a number of other ways a person can be tortured but just because it happens does not mean that one should not serve just based on "what could happen." Secondly, no women in the military can do more than just "cook, clean and nurse" In fact, women are allowed in a number of MOS that use to be classified as combat but are now open to women. And guess what. They are serving with distinction. Every single MOS that opened up to women, women have met and exceeded the challenge that came with it. Third, the whole, "oh she has her period" argument is a nonsensical argument. Yes, women have their periods. Big deal. The Viet Cong use to be able to smell American soldiers "down wind" because they were meat eaters. Should we have banned meat eaters from serving? No and without being gross, I have been in the field for a month before. After a few days, guess what, we all stink so it doesn't matter. If you are going to have your period, take your supplies.Most tampons/pads are small and won't take any room. I think the men who make this argument really don't know a lot about women's reproductive health. If you want to join the military, than go ahead. As things stand right now, you can't join the infantry but that doesn't mean there won't be many other opportunities to serve that are combat related. However, I think things will eventually change. Probably not anytime soon because the trade off of the repeal of DADT is going to be women continuing to be excluded from infantry but I'll give it another 5 years (if we elect a Democrat next) or 10 years (if we elect a Republican) and women will be in infantry.
14 :
No, but you can become combat medic and get put in with an infantry platoon.
15 :
Because Infantry is a physically demanding job. It's not as simple as walking around and firing your weapon. You have to be strong enough to carry around 50-100 lbs of gear ALL DAY. You also have to be strong enough to drag a fellow soldier away if he gets wounded. Can you honestly see the average 120lb female with full gear on managing to pull/carry a male soldier away? By the end of the day most guys are absolutely worn out after going around all day hauling a load like that. Women in general are NOT as strong as men. I'm talking 99.9% of the time. It's not sexism. It's a fact. There are real psychological effects as well. Israel tested female infantry years ago. The results were disastrous and they admitted it. When the female soldiers were shot the men stopped pushing and stopped to protect the wounded female. Morale was also shot to hell at the sight of maimed females. It's just a natural male instinct. Man is the protector and the hunter. Everything Alexander M said is true. Make the standards the same and then we'll talk. All in all there is just too much that could go wrong by putting women on the battlefield. The system we have now works great and there is absolutely no incentive to change it.
16 :
yes i ask this question every single day. I want to be in infantry but can't because i have a vagina. Yes the women would get raped but guess what men were raped too! Every single person who joins the military knows the risk they're taking. Women in other countries are in infantry and passing infantry training. Women disguised themselves as men during the civil war. Sarah Rosetta Wakeman (Private Lyons Walkman) is one of them. With enough training women will be capable of anything.
17 :
Hey sorry to invade on your post but I need to contact Rusty to ask more about a question he answered for me! Rusty if you see this can you email me on Sorry again!

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