Saturday, March 7, 2009

Breastfeeding my 5 lb baby

Breastfeeding my 5 lb baby!?
My beautiful little girl was born 4 weeks early on Sunday and weighs only 5 lb. She is still in hospital until she gains a little more weight and has slight jaundice which is also being treated. My problem is that i live in Spain and the nurses speak very little English. My main concern when taking my daughter home is how do I know she's feeding enough as I'm breast feeding? Should I breast feed but also express and give her some via bottle? Any answers/suggestions are welcome as i'm getting a bit worried! Thanks. Thank you for your quick responses. I have just been to feed my daughter and found an English nurse - yeah! So I was able to ask all the questions I had with a good response. I now feel more relaxed and hoping my beautiful wee girl will be coming home tomorrow!
Newborn & Baby - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If she's gaining weight and she gets plenty of wet diapers and a couple dirty ones throughout the day (while she's young) then she's getting enough. You can also tell by the color of her stool, it should be a yellowish color (similar to spicy mustard or pumpkin pie).
2 :
You should not breastfeed as it is unhealthy. Formula feeding is much better because it is healthier and cleaner.
3 :
Congrats! My son was 5lbs 15 ounces at birth and he arrived 3 weeks early. You can either breastfeed directly from the breast (probably best) or supplements with bottles of breast milk.... you can do both of these methods or one or the other, it's up to you, whatever you prefer... You'll know she is feeding enough if she is gaining weight properly and gets a bunch of wets diapers and a couple dirty ones during the day... If you are constantly getting dry diapers then she is not getting enough to eat! Just keep checking her weight and you should be fine.
4 :
Just feed her whenever she wants for as long as she wants, that will be enough for her. Even if she is feeding alot, it will still be good for her to have skin to skin contact with you, that can really help babies grow and feel comfort. If you can, just breastfeeding without the bottle would be the best, but if it suits your circumstances, and she will take a bottle, that's ok.

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