Wednesday, April 1, 2009

help with fleas

help with fleas?
someone graciously put a mother and 3 kittens on my porch over the weekend. we live on a large farm so it's not really a big deal except they are infested with fleas. called the vet. she's out of town for 3 weeks visiting her husbands family in spain. the on call vet is for emergencies only. i could give the kittens bathes but that doesn't help the mother. all the flea stuff i have around here and what i have found at the store says not to use on kittens under 12 weeks or nursing mothers. i've tried using a flea comb on them but the mom didn't want too much to do with that. any suggestions??? i know having fleas is very bad for them and i don't want them to get sick! they're just too cute!! any help is greatly appreciated! they are not in the house. i have 3 house cats that are very territorial and would not allow it. and they aren't malnurished. the mother is taking very good care of them. she just doesn't like people all that much. a couple of pets on the head and that's all she'll take.
Cats - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Youre vet will tell you to use 1/2 the bottle from the store if they are underweight. It is fine and will not harmfull. Next you need to use the flea powder in your carpets and vacuum twice a day for 2 weeks. In order to completely rid your house of fleas, flea medicine must be on your pets for a year or they will come back - which reminds me, my siamese cat is due for his!
2 :
You should use Frontline SPRAY (not the spot-on). The spray is OK after 2 days old, provided that you 'll make sure the mother won't lick them and they won't lick each other or themselves while they are still wet. Don't use too much, 2 pressures of the soray on each kitten is fine, avoid their eyes. Also selamectin (I don't know the brand name in the US, could be Advantage) spot on is OK after 6 weeks, but you must use the correct dosage for their age (15-25 mg ampoules, I think)
3 :
first off phone your local RSPCA or SPCA or whatever type shelter you have that takes in the stray animals and report finding them.. its possible it wasnt their owner who put them there - but an angry neighbour who scooped them and dumped them. honestly the flea comb is the best/safest solution. even if you do it only 5 minutes at a time several times a day. if you have given her bedding - make sure you wash it regularly also. cats who have fleas generally also will have worms - they will need to be dewormed eventually too.. and check their ears if their ears are dirty with black bits its probably Ear Mites - you can buy effective stuff over the counter for these and its safe for kittens ( I think) feed mom cat KITTEN food.

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