Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The nurse advised me at my sons 9month review that i have to pull the skin down on his penis to the base

The nurse advised me at my sons 9month review that i have to pull the skin down on his penis to the base?
at my sons 9 month review the nurse advised me i have to pull the skin down on his penis to the base of his penis and hold for about 10 seconds i have to do this everyday. I asked why i had to do this and he replied it helps the skin stretch so he wont have any probs as an adult. I have never heard this, we live and spain and speaking to other mums it is common here. I dont feel comfortable doing this to him. I have spoken to freinds and relatives in england and they have never heard fo it before. My husband who is english has never heard of it either. I dont want to do this to him if its not necessary. Has anybody else heard of this? thanks for replying, he is not circumcised. thanks again for the answers they are very helpful xx
Newborn & Baby - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If he circumcised it is absolutely necessary. The skin on the head of the penis can regrow and cause a lot of problems. If it regrows from not being pulled back some children end up needing surgeries. So if he's circumcised, make sure you pull the skin back to clean it every time you change him. If he is uncircumcised, as far as I know, it's a no-no to pull the skin back. Make sure if you ever have questions to ask your nurse or doctor, so that you fully understand. You want to make sure you know the correct way to care for it hygienically, circumcised or not to avoid infections. Good luck.
2 :
Absolutely NOT! You do NOT (and SHOULD NOT) retract the foreskin on an infant! It's not meant to be separated from the head of the penis this early! It will retract on its own when your son is older. Never, EVER force the foreskin back from the penis in an infant - you can damage him!
3 :
My son's pediatricians said that the skin on his penis should go down fully by the time he is 2 or 3 YEARS old and that we should not force it down - under no circumstances. However, he is not circumcise - in that case, I wouldn't know what to do. It did happen once, that the skin slip on my fingers when I was cleaning his penis and I couldn't get it back up. It got sort of stuck down there. I had to call the doctor to get it back up. As all of this when on, blood was making his penis "enlarge" and it was getting uncomfortable for my son... It was extremely stressful. So, from now on - I never push it. I'm really careful about it. It will go down when it's time.
4 :
I have two little boys and have always been told to never ever retract the foreskin this is something they will do themselves!!
5 :
There is no way I would do that. It sounds like it could cause more problems than anything! I'm English and I've never been told such a thing. My son will be three in January and has no problems.

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