Monday, September 7, 2009

15 month old baby removed

15 month old baby removed?
In Spain a 15 month old baby has been removed from her mother because she breastfeeds her. Sounds incredulous? It's true and this type of scenario should not be happening in society in this day and age. Please read and sign the petition. Join the Worldwide Mothers support Habiba! IMMF Give her baby back facebook group. This is from a medical document found on the facebook link stating the documented reasons for the child's removal: "The document begins by stating that, "it is hard for Habiba to respond adequately to the needs of Alma and she is not aware of the inadequacy of certain behaviors which can involve risk and neglect". In the next paragraph it is said, "eating patterns and sleep hygiene (Alma’s ) are not adequate” and then the above statements are justified with the following arguments each of which I shall discuss: "The hours and type of food are chaotic" and " she uses breastfeeding as a pacifier and a toy, offering her breast any time the girl cries and letting her take it anywhere, no matter the time and context in which this happens (offices, corridors) "She gives her the pureed food that is already prepared by the shelter, but also other solid foods that are inappropriate for her age (like the ones Habiba eats). Over the weekends when she needs to make the pureed fruit herself, more often she doesn’t and breastfeeds instead. " "We attempted to regularize and limit breastfeeding times, but it did not seem possible, so the possibility of stopping breastfeeding was raised ...." "... she continued to breastfeed. She was given pacifiers, but she didn’t use them either" "She (Alma) does not have proper sleep patterns. From the first moment Habiba didn’t want the girl to sleep in her cot and she lies with her in her own bed. She uses the cot to drop off things and toys and on very rare occasions to leave the girl ... " This woman left an abusive relationship and seeked help in a woman's shelter. The shelter's policies on nursing and infant care contradict the AAP and the WHO guidelines. There is worldwide public support. There are peaceful protests you can join. Please help. No, this isn't a hoax/ And this mother was supplementing her child with solid food. BUT one of their issues was the mother was feeding the child table food instead of the purees that the shelter prepared. It is absolutely insane. The mother was breastfeeding on demand. Which is perfectly healthy and desirable. Thank you so much for reading this and answering. I was afraid nobody would bother! I don't have facebook so just trying to get this out to as many people as possible. With all due respect: I've read the translated medical reports and the official documentation reasoning why the child was removed. The child is of a healthy weight. The child is not malnourished. One of the issues the shelter had was that the child wasn't eating just pureed food but the same food as the mother. Nutritionally, it is much better for a 15 month old child to be eating family food-NOT purees. Breastmilk is more calorie dense than most solid food a 15 month old eats. Many 15 month old toddlers have very small appetites and breastmilk (or cows milk) is the main source of nutrition for the child Please, read the medical reports. You've made assumptions when the evidence supports the mother.
Parenting - 2 Answers
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1 :
OMG! I was hoping this was a hoax, I have looked everywhere for proof that it is but it seems it isn't. How can this happen in Spain. I will be finding a way to protest. There HAD to be other ways to get the mother to give her child age appropriate food. I'm not saying you shouldn't breastfeed at 15 months, I have an 18 month old. I do still breastfeed him but it is no longer his main source of food and at 15 months she should have been moving onto solid food. This woman was in an abusive relationship, she clearly needed help, this is barbaric! ETA I have found out that there are two people on the case, a very good spanish lawyer and a pediatrician is assessing both mother and child in an attempt to re-unite them. I have a spanish friend who breastfed all 4 of her kids until they were 3. I will pass this on to her and share on facebook. I'm sure there is more to the story, but anyway, but I doubt it can justify this.
2 :
From what I have read, the child was not removed because the mother breastfed, the child was removed because the mother refused after several attempts to nourish her child properly. The article states that on weekends the mother solely breastfeeds, this in not sufficient nourishment for a child of 15 months. This mother is neglecting her child by solely breastfeeding. What exactly is the problem with authorities stepping in to ensure that baby Alma is properly fed? The mother WAS neglecting her child by not feeding her properly on weekends.

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